March 1

Video Contest

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The Video Contest is for K-12th grades throughout the nation and is centered around the theme of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights! In a 1-2:30 minute video students may choose to illustrate the purposes and applications of the First Amendment that may include its history, adoption, and recognition of significant individuals involved. Or they may focus on any concept or specific freedom included in the First Amendment such as the Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, etc. Students may also apply the First Amendment protections to current or historical situations and court cases. Along with the cash prizes that will be awarded, the winning videos may be played at some of the Freedom Festival’s patriotic events including the Stadium of Fire. The deadline is March 1. Special judging criteria will be based on how well you can tell a compelling story through video with attention to visual impact and artistic detail, while offering an inspirational message to your audience.
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Contest Guidelines

Theme: First Amendment
Eligibility:  Open to all students K-12
Media: Video
Submission Deadline: March 1

Students may collaborate with others in the process of creating their video. They may also work as a group and submit their names together on the video they produced.

Works must be submitted as a digital format only.

All information presented in the video must be cited, giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification. You DO NOT need to include your citations in your video. IF CHOSEN AS A FINALIST, you must submit a list of your sources, properly cited.

No personal or identifying information may appear on the video itself, so NO names, grades, teachers’ names or school names on the video.

Any music used in the video must be free of copyright.

To get permission to use copyrighted music…
  1. Find the copyright owner. To get permission to use a copyrighted song, you’ll need to find the artist or owner of the song and contact them directly.
  2. Discuss a permission agreement.
  3. Create a written permission agreement.

Divisions:  K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

How-to Submit

Click here to enter the Video Contest.

If you have any questions or are having difficulty submitting your video send an email to:

Awards and Prizes

Cash prizes will be based on judging criteria.

Grade 10-12: Win up to $500.00

Grade 7-9: Win up to $250.00

Grade 4-6: Win up to $100.00

Grade K-3: Win up to $75.00

Download The Educational Events Poster

Click here to download: Educational Events Poster 2025

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6:30 pm

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