July 4

Freedom Festival Events at SCERA

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Freedom Festival Events at SCERA
Be sure to see all of the events at SCERA! See the details below about each event and click on the map to learn where to find everything. Closed on Sunday.
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Cries of Freedom
In its 16th season, Cries of Freedom is the 70-minute main course but it is more than an inspiring musical. Here are some of the side dishes: The Ellis Island experience, the Second Continental Congress experience; taking home paintings and documents from our founding era; watching official military flag ceremonies and demonstrations; walking through our field of flags; visiting with our founders. With the current struggles of our country and the world you’ll find the answers with a dose of good, old-fashioned, 4th of July AMERICA!
American Heritage Museum
Remember how things used to be? Probably not, that’s why you need to be reminded. Brent Ashworth has done the heavy lifting for you so you can see with your own eyes monumental historical artifacts. Mr. Ashworth has amassed a prodigious collection of relics from our nation’s past: Colonial artifacts, Civil War antiquities, rare sports memorabilia, Mormon relics and much more! Nowhere will you see so many rare and invaluable documents and memorabilia. Come and see these national treasures and learn from the master of history himself.

Click here to learn more!

American Heritage Museum

Come see a prodigious collection of relics from our nation’s past: Colonial artifacts, Civil War antiquities, rare sports memorabilia, Mormon relics and much more!

Click here to learn more!

Colonial Fest

Travel back in time to the colonial period and the American Revolution with the sights, smells, and experiences of a colonial village as it would have been in 1776.

Click here to learn more.

Military History Days

Military History Days is a three-day event unlike any other. Visit each display, and
participate in the activities to earn a stamp on your Military History Days Passport to earn a prize, while learning valuable lessons about the history of the Second World War; from living historians in authentic WWII uniforms and original WWII artifacts.
July 4th, 5th, and 6th, 9 Am to 5 Pm, Free Event

Click here to learn more.

Event Map

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