July 3
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Cries of Freedom and the American Heritage Museum

  • July 3
  • 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • SCERA Center for the Arts

    745 S. State St


  • Free
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We are proudly a part of THE FREEDOM FESTIVAL EVENTS AT SCERA. You will find a whole array of 4th of July events at SCERA Park (Colonial Heritage Festival) and SCERA Center for the Arts (Cries of Freedom and The American Heritage Museum). Make SCERA Park and SCERA Center for the Arts a big part of your 4th of July CELEBRATION! July 3, 4 and 5.
Krista Johannesmeyer (Director) -
Scott Swain (Producer) -
Leann Swain (Music Director) -
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How to find us

Drive down State Street in Orem to the field of flags on the front lawn of SCERA Center for the Arts (745 South State). Park and come on in!

We are proudly part of the Freedom Festival events at SCERA. Include Cries of Freedom, The American Heritage Museum, and The Colonial Heritage Festival as part of your 4th of July celebration.

Learn more at http://criesoffreedom.org/.

Cries of Freedom

Each day at 1:00, 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Presenting the 17th year of Cries of Freedom, the Musical–pleasing crowds with stirring music, emotional acting, and energetic dancing! America is celebrating, and so should you! To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr, “Sometimes you have to go backward to go forward,” and so it is at this event. You will hear historic words applicable today. Tyranny is on the run and patriotic Americans are cheering!

In the lobby, in preparation for America’s 250th anniversary, we are simulating the Second Continental Congress where our Declaration of Independence was debated and ratified. Participants become delegates to the Second Continental Congress and are issued Delegate Credentials. They must make ten Declarations of Freedom, watch a few videos, and recite the first part of the Declaration of Independence to a Delegate Official to become a “founding patriot” and receive a Declaration of Independence/America 250 keepsake. It is a great way to remember the document and the concepts that have made America great!

I Declare Independence

In preparation for America’s 250th anniversary we are doing a simulation of the 2nd Continental Congress where we got our Declaration of Independence. Participants become delegates to the 2nd Continental Congress and will be issued Delegate Credentials. They must make 10 Declarations of Freedom, watch a few videos and then recite the first part of the Declaration of Independence to a Delegate Official. Then they will be given a Declaration of Independence to sign and keep. It is a great way to remember the document and the concepts that have made America great!

American Heritage Museum

The Brent and Charlene Ashworth Collection

Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Room 101

This year the following new items will be displayed: 1. An original 1776 Philadelphia copy of “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine; 2. A newspaper covering the passage of Richard Henry Lee’s July 2 “Resolution that these United colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states”; 3. A rare Connecticut document signed on July 4, 1776, sending troops to “…succor the Armies of the United Colonies”; and  4. The first magazine printing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. There will also be items in sports, entertainment, science, space, art and other areas of U.S., Utah, and local history.  Come and learn from the master of history himself.

Live Swearing in Ceremony!

Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Show House II

It is exciting to watch new citizen candidates take the Oath of Citizenship and  express their gratitude to America. The Department of Homeland Security will be conducting their annual swearing in ceremony of citizen candidates. Packed with patriotic musical numbers, speeches and new citizen testimonials, this is something that will super-charge your gratitude for America.



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Event Sponsors

Search Freedom Festival