February 8

Constitution Month Teacher Contest

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During the month of September we celebrate the United State Constitution and in particular the signing by the founders of our nation of the Constitution on September 17th. The State of Utah has designated the month of September as “American Founders and Constitution Month.” We recognize the U. S. Constitution as the oldest written constitution in the world and one of our most important documents. We invite all teachers and schools to celebrate our founding document through decoration, display, and activities in both classrooms and schools helping young people to recognize the importance of the U. S. Constitution and the role it continues to play in all our lives.
Jennifer Eaves -
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Win up to $1,000.00 in each category K-3,, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.

State lawmakers passed legislation to recognize September as “American founders month,” an expansion of Constitution Day, Sept 17. Teachers will be judged on how they implemented this directive to teach about the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Original sources will be prioritized. Include any application of teaching a concept or specific freedom.

  1. The Freedom Festival Teacher Contest is open to ALL Teachers in grades K-12, whether in traditional public schools, public chartered schools, private schools, or home schools. Judging will be broken in divisions K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.
  2. All entries must be received no later than October 10.
  3. All submitted entries must include a completed Contest Entry.  No personal or identifying information may appear on the entry itself. Winners will be notified by email when judging is completed.

Judging Criteria

Entries are judged on a teacher’s exposition of the theme in the course of their classwork, depth of insight in teaching, use of curriculum supplied by original documents, the Freedom Festival or other supporting materials, and any other innovative ways used to address this year’s theme: Founding Fathers and Constitution Month.

Clik here for Judging Rubric

How to Submit

Click here to complete entry form and submit entry.

Entry deadline: Oct 1


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